Pops of color in your summer landscape

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In addition to adding plants to your yard or garden that will hold up through the summer months, there is also an interest in adding colorful flowers and plants that will make your lawn “pop.” A touch of color can go a long way in your yard without spending a ton of money. You’ll get the most impact possible by using high visibility locations in key areas of your yard. John Madison Landscape offers tips on adding plants and flowers that will flourish in Central Florida’s heat while adding touches of color, all without breaking the bank.

Decide before planting whether your flowers are going to go in pots or flower beds, so you know how many plants to purchase. Fresh potting mix should be put into flower pots, and if you’re installing them in a flower bed, be sure the soil is well-cultivated and adjusted as necessary. In addition to plants that will thrive in the summer months, consider now a good time for planting tropical foliage that will provide color throughout summer but will likely be damaged by the cold. You’ll still get months of enjoyment out of them and they will flourish in our hot summer weather.

Plants that will grow well in the shade are caladiums, such as impatiens, crossandra, or Persian shield. For spots in your lawn that receive lots of sun, consider coleus, penta, and angelonia. Moss rose and sweet potatoes are also favorite trailing plants known for adding pops of color to containers and pots. For more answers on what to plant to add color to your summer landscape, or if you would like to schedule an appointment for a free estimate, call our office at 407-935-9151 or click here.
