January Landscaping Tips

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Well it finally seems as though winter found us here in Central Florida, at least for a few days! After an unusually warm December and holiday season, January greeted us with a taste of what cold feels like! Most people weren’t

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prepared for it, and much less our plants. Here are some helpful tips from John Madison Landscape on how to protect your plants and yard from potential freezing and unpredictable temperatures this month.

  • Frost or freezes are likely to occur in January and February. Be ready to cover your tender plants in order to minimize damage.
  • This month, it is not necessary to mow your grass, but do remove rocks, sticks, and leaves.
  • If you have Zoysia grass, do not fertilize it at this time. You can water occasionally if a drought occurs. Temperatures may be higher than normal with little or no rainfall.
  • January is the time to plant deciduous fruit trees. It will give roots time to develop before the warmer spring months.
  • Apply broadleaf herbicides as necessary to control winter annual weeds like chickweed. Use a nonselective herbicide this month to control annual

    Photo courtesy of www.chiotsrun.com

    bluegrass and various broadleaf weeds.

  • Go ahead and prune non-spring flowering shrubs and trees this month to improve their form. If you have crepe myrtles, they do not require pruning, yet by removing seed pods, crossing branches, and small twiggy growth, you will improve the appearance and form of the plant.
  • To control scale on citrus, shrubs, camellias, and deciduous fruit trees, apply horticultural oil while plants are dormant.
  • Don’t forget! Florida is celebrating Arbor Day on January 18th! To celebrate, plant a tree in your yard or neighborhood.

If your yard took a hit from the cold temperatures, or if your new year’s resolution is to finally spruce up your landscape, click here or give us a call at 407-935-9151 to set up an appointment for a free estimate with one of our experienced landscape designers.

