Landscaping for the Fall

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Did the first day of fall come and go without you even noticing? Perhaps it has something to do with Central Florida’s 90 degree temperatures through the end of September. Even so, the weather for boots and scarves (yes, even in Florida) is just around the corner! Is your yard ready? Or is it still recovering from the heat of a harsh summer? Even in Florida there are some plants that will give you a change of color, berries, or flowers during the autumn months. Here are some tips and ideas for landscaping for the fall from your friends at John Madison Landscape.

  • These plants are Florida-friendly and will add some interest to your yard during the fall months: Goldenrod, Beach Sunflower, Cigar Plant, Lion’s Tail, Beautyberry, Muhly Grass, Oakleaf Hydrangea, Mexican Sage, Forsythia Sage, and Silver-Leaved Aster.
  • If you have ornamental grasses, go ahead and prune them back if they are looking bad. If they are still flowering, or about to, make sure and wait until they’re finished. When pruning, we recommend using electric hedge pruners or large clippers

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  • You may want to divide up your ornamental grasses as well. After pruning, use a sharp shovel to divide grass, or any other plants that you wish to divide. Perennials such as liriope, African iris, flax lily, bulbine, and herbs such as rosemary and tarragon are easy to divide.
  • Did some plants get a little overlooked during the summer? Now is the perfect time to move plants that may have overgrown into spots where they will be better suited. Find a new spot for the plant that has more room than its current location.
  • It’s a good time of year to re-mulch. Remember that you need three to four inches of mulch in your beds. This will help reduce weeds and erosion, and keep the soil moist.
  • After your yard is all cleaned up, you may decide you want to add some new plants to the mix. Fall is a great time for planting in Central Florida. Add some plants like the ones we listed above to increase color and diversity to your garden area.

To learn more tips for landscaping in the fall, or to schedule an appointment for a free estimate, click here or call us at 407-935-9151.
