John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

January Landscaping Tips

Well it finally seems as though winter found us here in Central Florida, at least for a few days! After an unusually warm December and holiday season, January greeted us with a taste of what cold feels like! Most people weren’t prepared for it, and much less our...

Christmas Tree Shopping

Since we’re smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, we here at John Madison Landscape wanted to quench your thirst for Christmas tree knowledge. We love this time of year because Christmas trees are like having landscaping inside your house! Whether...

November Landscaping Tips

Here are some simple tips from John Madison Landscape to prepare your yard for next year’s beautiful landscape: You won’t have to water your lawn much once it is dormant (has turned brown), but do water if the soil is powder dry. Apply preemergent...

Activities to do Outdoors

Now that Central Florida is finally beginning to see signs of autumn, many people are excited about the beautiful weather that is upon us. It’s the perfect temperature to do outdoorsy things, and if you are running out of ideas, or don’t want to spend an...

Joel’s New Home Celebration!

Building Homes for Heroes and John Madison Landscape is proud to announce another 2011 homecoming celebration to welcome Army Sergeant Joel Tavera to his new home in Tampa, Florida! On Saturday, November 19th, 2011, after more than 75 surgeries,and nearly four years...