Customer Bio: Angie and George Echols

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Angie & George Echols live in St. Cloud, FL. They just recently moved to Florida, and had no idea what would look and grow best in their yard. Their yard needed a little TLC and they were at a complete loss. That’s where John Madison Landscape entered the picture!

As an avid HGTV watcher, Angie saw our television ad during one of her favorite shows and decided to call us up. She knew we had a knack for making challenging spaces look good, and she was in the perfect place to begin a landscaping project because she had just received permission for her Homeowner’s Association to put up a wrought iron fence in her backyard. Angie and George were excited to learn about their options and start their home improvement project.


In the Echols backyard, John Madison Landscape put up the wrought iron fence that the Echols had desired in order to enclose their yard from the huge piece of land that extended behind their house. As you can see in their pictures, they also had a challenging slope in their backyard that they wanted to make a little more aesthetically pleasing, so we added palm trees, a retaining wall, plants, and mulch. They really just wanted a peaceful and beautiful backyard that would make them say “wow” when looking out their window, and that’s just what they got! Read their review here.

If you have a challenging space that you would like one of our expert designers to come take a look at, click here or call us at 407-935-9151.
