John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Fall Home and Garden Show recap

As the Fall 2011 Orlando Home and Garden Show concluded this past weekend, it is safe to say that it was a success! John Madison Landscape proudly displayed our full range of services with our eye-catching booth located near the front entrance. If you missed it, our...

September Landscaping Tips

In most parts of the country, September marks the beginning of fall. In Central Florida, it marks yet another month of heat! Here are what we at John Madison Landscape recommend you can do to help keep your yard thriving through one more month of the Florida sun....

Bowling for Heroes was a great success!

On Tuesday, August 23rd, dozens of people came out to Colonial Lanes in Orlando to help support one great cause: Building Homes for Heroes. We had a great night full of bowling, raffles, food, drinks, and music, all to help raise money for wounded vets and their...

Landscaping in a hurricane

With all the talk this week about Hurricane Irene and whether or not it will affect Central Florida, we here at John Madison Landscape thought it would be a good time to share with you some advice on how to prepare your yard for a hurricane. Obviously protecting, you,...

Xeriscape Garden Package

A popular package we offer here at John Madison Landscape is our Xeriscape package. Xeriscape refers to landscaping in such a way that your yard doesn’t need additional water through an irrigation system. It is typically popular in climates that don’t get a lot of...