John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Let Your Property’s Elevation Change Be Its Greatest Feature!

Nov 30, 2012 | General | 0 comments

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Florida is flat. This makes tasks like building roads or homes much easier than in other areas of the country where elevation change is more substantial. When it comes to landscape, however, grade change can present lots of opportunities for creative solutions. Despite Florida’s flatness, there are a few lucky people who happen to have significant grade change happening on their property. If you are one of these people, you may not feel that lucky. Most homeowners in Florida argue that if their backyard has a significant slope, it limits the types of activities they can use that space for and limits the amount of usable space. At John Madison Landscape, we see grade change as an incredible opportunity to enhance your yard in unique ways!

If you need expert counsel on how to manage your property well or need help in negotiating terms with your tenants, be certain to check out this page and get all the help you need.

Grade change can offer the ability to design your property on multiple levels. This is called terracing. Terracing gracefully transverses grade change and can feature multiple landscape elements, such as patios, planting beds, retaining walls, putting greens, and pergolas.  By terracing your landscape, you are able to maximize the amount of usable space.

In addition, grade change can allow you to emphasize any views from your property, like a lake or wooded area. For some examples of why we love grade change, take a look at the before and after pictures below of a few of the projects we have worked on here at John Madison Landscape:



































If your property has a significant change in elevation and you are not sure what to do with it, contact John Madison Landscape, your local experts! If you are in need of any landscape design work, give us a call at 407-935-9151 to schedule a free estimate.

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