John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Butterfly Garden

Jun 16, 2011 | Specials! | 0 comments

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John Madison Landscape offers many different packages.  You can take a look at what packages we offer on our website under the “Packages” tab; here you will see a link for our “Butterfly Garden” special. The design for this package, which costs only $1,000, is made specifically to attract butterflies to your garden.  With help from John Madison Landscape and these wonderful plants, you are almost guaranteed to have a wonderful garden full of beautiful butterflies!

  • Thryallis is a bright yellow color all year round and is low maintenance. They love the sun, and you can water them as much or as little as you want and they will still grow up to 6’ tall. Butterflies love them.
  • Plumbago is frequently visited by butterflies and is one of the main larval food plants for the common garden butterfly. It’s a very resilient, reliable plant.
  • Agapanthus grows with large clusters of small blossoms in pink, blue or white. Plant them in masses and they will grow quickly, attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. This is why our butterfly package includes fifteen Agapanthus, all grouped together.
  • Mexican Blue Bell Ruellia is known as a strong grower under adverse conditions. Their flowers are showy, and their nectar is appealing to various species of butterflies.
  • Tabebuia is a well-behaved, drought-resistant tree, getting up to approximately 25 feet.  It’s a butterfly host tree, also attracting hummingbirds and mockingbirds.
  • Lantana is requires no minimal care and fertilization, it smells good, and it attracts butterflies from miles around, even in triple digit temps and drought conditions.

To take a look at more packages, or to schedule an appointment for a free estimate, click here or call us at 407-935-9151.

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