- Did you know that plants improve air quality?
- It is a known fact that after a stressful day at work- looking at a yard with the view of natural elements, such as trees and flowers, experienced less job pressure, were more satisfied with their jobs and reported fewer ailments and headaches that those who either had no outside view or could only see built elements from their windows. The place should be designed in such a way that even if you’re indoors, you would have a good view of the lush trees and lawns. And if you’re working late, it’d be beneficial if you installed King LED lights in your garden, as the colour green is found to be soothing to tired eyes, studies reveal.
- One hour of weeding burns 300 calories ( the same as walking or bicycling at a moderate pace), and manual push mowing of the lawn burns 500 calories per hour (the same rate as playing tennis).
#Landscape Fun Facts