Healthy in the New Year!

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Welcome to the New Year! All of us here at John Madison Landscape hope that you had a very happy holiday season and are excited about the prospects that come with the beginning of a new year.  If you found yourself making New Year’s resolutions while you were watching the ball drop to be healthier and happier than you might want to read our blog about how you can reach some of those goals in your own backyard!

Did you know that the average American spends 85-90% of their time indoors?

To be healthy, it is essential to spend time outside of your home or office. Your body needs fresh air to function properly. When you breathe, you inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. However, when you are indoors, the air you are breathing typically has a much lower oxygen supply than the outdoor air. This is because there is less circulation, meaning that you are breathing in the same carbon dioxide that you and everyone else in the room just exhaled. In addition, household cleaning supplies typically deposit chemicals like formaldehyde in the air, which are hazardous to your health with no air circulation.

Another reason why it is important to hang out outside is sunlight. One of your body’s crucial vitamins is Vitamin D, which we get by absorbing sunlight through our skin. While too much sun can be bad for your skin, getting a moderate amount of sun each day can actually improve your skin tone, disease resistance, muscle tension, and cholesterol and stress levels.

Did you know that you can design an outdoor space with stress reduction in mind?

The way your backyard or outdoor space is designed can help reduce your stress levels while you soak up all that Vitamin D and fresh oxygen. There are several design principles that support lower muscle tension and stress:

Color: Plants can typically be divided into two shades: warm (reds, yellows, and oranges) vs. cool (blues and greens). Cooler shades tend to be more soothing than warmer ones and should be used more frequently. Warm plants are better suited as accent plants.

Massing:  Plants should be planted in larger groups rather than as individuals, which is typically how they would appear naturally.

Shape: Use broad curves as opposed to straight lines. Rigid shapes are less soothing than curvilinear lines.

Water: Water can be a powerful relaxer. Use a water feature in your outdoor area but be sure not to choose something overly elaborate or loud that would be a distraction.

Scent: Your sense of smell is the most powerful of your five senses. Be sure to include a few scented plants, such as lavender.

If you have any questions or if you are interested in a free estimate, contact us or give us a call at 407-935-9151.
