John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Building Homes for Heroes

Jun 15, 2011 | General, News | 0 comments

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Click here to watch a great video that Fox News did on Building Homes for Heroes. This is a non-profit group John Madison Landscape is proud to partner with to build custom homes for wounded vets in Florida.

Building Homes for Heroes provides individuals, corporations and others with an opportunity to help our severely wounded and disabled veterans and their families rebuild their lives. Many of these young men and women are coming home badly burned, with permanent and unsightly body disfigurements, missing limbs, the loss of sight or ability to walk, psychiatric conditions or paralysis.

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Building Homes for Heroes and John Madison Landscape is committed to supporting these extraordinary men and women, with a goal to build homes for families in dire need. We believe that it’s our responsibility to support those who have been called upon to make the ultimate personal sacrifice — to protect and safeguard our country by fighting America’s War on Terror. If you would like to learn more, or to make a donation to one of our soldiers, please click here.

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