John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Sod varieties

There are 3 main varieties of sod that we at John Madison Landscape typically install. It is important for homeowners to know the difference between all three so that we can help them determine what will meet their needs and work best in their yard. For example, does...

November Landscaping Tips

Here are some simple tips from John Madison Landscape to prepare your yard for next year’s beautiful landscape: You won’t have to water your lawn much once it is dormant (has turned brown), but do water if the soil is powder dry. Apply preemergent...

Landscaping for the Fall

Did the first day of fall come and go without you even noticing? Perhaps it has something to do with Central Florida’s 90 degree temperatures through the end of September. Even so, the weather for boots and scarves (yes, even in Florida) is just around the...