John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Customer bio: Diana Thomson

Jun 6, 2011 | Customer bios | 0 comments

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Meet Diana Thomson. She lives in Ocoee, FL and has a big problem: a backyard that she can’t use! There’s a steep slope that doesn’t allow for much of anything, and it can be a really intimidating project to take on. She called John Madison Landscape to come check it out, and John knew just what to do.

Building a retaining wall with steps and a backdrop of gorgeous plants was the first step and the most effective solution. But the homeowners also wanted plants that were very stimulating to the eye, which you can notice on the ‘After’ picture. We used a wide variety of foliage that brought different colors and depth to the yard. Finally, a raised paver seating area is what really transformed this once unusable area into a gorgeous addition to their backyard.


The contrast in color and texture (note the edging separating the sod from the rock on the left) really makes this space pop now. There’s a solution to every landscape nightmare, and that’s what John Madison Landscape specializes in bringing to life. Ask Diana herself. We did, and she said, “Every day that I look at my beautiful backyard, I am so glad we did this!”

If you have a challenging space that you would like one of our expert designers to come take a look at, click here or call us at 407-935-9151.

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Customer Bio: Angie and George Echols

Angie & George Echols live in St. Cloud, FL. They just recently moved to Florida, and had no idea what would look and grow best in their yard. Their yard needed a little TLC and they were at a complete loss. That’s where John Madison Landscape entered the picture!...

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