John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Moths in the Lawn

Notice any little white moths flying around your grass? Does you lawn look like it’s being grazed on by a heard of sheep? Congratulations! You have sod webworm, yet another one of those annoying pests that invade Florida lawns this time of year. Leaving the bed...

July Landscaping Tips

With the consecutive days of rain Debby poured on us, your yard might still be showing some signs of distress. Any summertime in Central Florida is always going to be full of thunderstorms, heat, and humidity, so any tips that will help your distressed plants survive...

September Landscaping Tips

In most parts of the country, September marks the beginning of fall. In Central Florida, it marks yet another month of heat! Here are what we at John Madison Landscape recommend you can do to help keep your yard thriving through one more month of the Florida sun....