John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Light Requirements for Plants

As a follow up to a previous blog entry, where we discussed how important it is to know your home’s orientation to better understand where the sun and shade is in your yard, it is also important to discuss a plant’s light requirements. You’ve probably gone to...

Drainage Problems and Solutions

Over the last couple of weeks, as the rainy season began in Central Florida, we got several calls a week from people who have moderate to severe drainage issues. Improper or insufficient drainage on your property can mean big and expensive improvements over the years...

The Importance of Your Home’s Orientation

It’s the summer time. The weather is heating up, the kids are getting out of school, and you are probably planning some outdoor landscaping projects like getting new outdoor stone tables to make your patio look better. Whether you are considering installing some shade...

Prevent Crime with your Landscape Design!

Did you know that your home’s landscape can have more than just aesthetic value? One of the most surprising functions of a landscape is its ability to make your home safer or a target for crime.  The way your home’s landscape is designed can both invite and deter...

Plant Villains and Superheroes

Out of the approximately 1,000,000 animals that scientists have discovered and classified, about 800,000 are insects! The good news is that only about .5% of them are harmful to your landscape. The even better news is that some of those harmful pests can be managed...