John Madison Landscape

Discovering your Environment’s Hidden Beauty Since 2001

Moths in the Lawn

Notice any little white moths flying around your grass? Does you lawn look like it’s being grazed on by a heard of sheep? Congratulations! You have sod webworm, yet another one of those annoying pests that invade Florida lawns this time of year. Leaving the bed...

Five Common Spring Gardening Mistakes

Early spring in Florida… I would argue that there is not a more beautiful time to live here. There is plenty of sunshine and light breezes to go around and it seems like every plant is in full bloom. Lots of people are eager to spend time out of doors this time of...

Mount Dora Center for the Arts Paver Installation

  John Madison Landscape has always placed an emphasis on community involvement, which is why we were all very excited about the recent opportunity to partner up with our good friends at the Mount Dora Center for the Arts. We provided them with an outdoor patio...